What are my core muscles?

In particular, your TA is a muscle underneath your six-pack that wraps around your stomach to your lumbar spine and hips. Lower back pain can inhibit and weaken these muscles until they cannot support your back effectively.
How do I contract my TA muscle?
2. Place your fingers 1 inch inside and down from your hip bone in front
3. Gently breathe in and out, and relax your tummy completely
4. Slowly draw in your lower abdomen (the area below your belly button) towards your back
- you may feel your pelvic floor drawing up
- you may feel your lower abdominal muscles growing wider
5. Breathe normally and hold the muscle contraction for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 5-10 times, and do this 3-5 times a day
6. Ensure that
- your stomach should be relaxed. You should not feel muscles bulging out
- you keep breathing - do not hold your breath
How do I contract my Pelvic Floor muscles?
- Lie on your back with a neutral lumbar spine, knees bent up
- Pretend that you are going to the toilet and you have to stop half way. You should feel your pelvic floor lift as you pretend to stop the flow of urine you may feel your lower abdomen draw in
- Breathe normally and hold the muscle contraction for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 5-10 times and do this 3-5 times a day.
Check that you are doing the right exercise by?
- Stopping mid stream
- During urination, try to slow or stop the flow mid-stream by pulling your pelvic floor up. Only do this once a week as a test
- Feeling for lift - place your hand firmly under your perineum as you sit in a chair. As you draw up the pelvic floor muscles, you should feel a gentle lift up from your hand if you feel a sense of bulging down, stop the exercise and consult a physiotherapist
Contract these muscles before you walk, lift, get out of the car, or do strenuous activity. These exercises should not cause or increase pain. Please contact your physioFIX physiotherapist if you have any questions regarding this information. |
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